10 Ancient Indian Scientists :

The glory of our India is often ignored. But once you get to know about ancient India, you will be amazed. Ancient India was far developed than the rest of the world. When half of the world was busy in search for food, Indian scientists were discovering mathematical formulas, practicing complex medical surgeries, calculating the position of stars and planets in space, researching about atoms and particles etc. Later these knowledge are used as the basic pillars of modern science and technology.
       Ancient scientists had written many books in various fields. Modern scientists are referring  these books for latest inventions and discoveries. There are many proves that ancient science were far more developed than our modern science. So, we should give proper value to ancient Indian scientists that they deserve.

Here are the names of 10 ancient Indian scientists who should be remembered forever for their excellent work:


          Aryabhata was one of the greatest mathematician astronomer from ancient India. It is believed that he was born in 476 AC. At some point of his life he went to 'Kusmupura' ( now known as Patna in Bihar ) for higher studies. He was the head of a institute in 'Kusumapura'. It is speculated that he might had been the head of 'Nalanda University'. One of his greatest contribution was discovering of zero we can't even thin about mathematics. He calculated the approximate value of pi which is correct to 4 decimal places. He also worked on the field of algebra, trigonometry as well. As an astronomer he gave the explanation of lunar eclipse, rotation of earth on it's axis, reflection of light by moon. He wrote two books named 'Aryabhatia' and 'Arya Siddhantika'. It is said that he died in 550 AC.

    Rishi Kanad:

             Rishi Kanad was a siege, philosopher and physicist of ancient India.His tradition name Kanad means atom eater. He lived somewhere between 6th century BC to 2nd century BC. He is famous for his concept of atom. Kanad was the first person who discovered about the atoms, even before JOhn Dalton. He used to talk about di atomic particle and tri atomic particle. He suggested that atoms as building blocks differs both qualitatively and quantitatively. He wrote a book named 'Vaisheshika Sutra'.


           Ancient India was far ahead than the rest of the world in medical science, first name comes in mind is Sushruta. He is called the father of surgeons. According to most historian the time of his life to 600 BC and he lived in 'Banaras'.  He had conducted variety of complex surgeries like fractures, urinary stone and specially plastic surgery. In his book 'Susruta Samhita' many surgery procedures are described Till today this book is refers as one of the best books in medical science.

  Maharishi Charak:

           Maharishi charak was born in 3rd century BC. He is called the father of medicine. He was one of the principle contributors to the science of 'Ayurbeda' Charak revealed how to cure diseases like diabetics, tuberculosis, heart diseases etc. He had written a book called the 'Charak Samhita'. This book is called the encyclopedia of ayurbeda. It was divided into 8 parts- Sutra Sthana, Nidan Sthanan, Viman Sthana, Sharir Sthana, Indriya Sthana, Chikitsa Sthana, Kalpa Sthana,Siddha Sthana. Charak Samhita contains the description of 2000 medicines and 100000 herbal plants.


       Bramhagupta was born in 598 AC. He was a famous mathematician and astronomer. he was the chief astronomer in Gupta period. He figured out an easy method to solve a quadratic equation. Brahmagupta's most famous result in geometry was his formula of cyclic quadrilaterals in 628 AC This book is authentic book on astronomy. He also wrote a book on mathematics named 'Khandhadyakam'. He died in the year 668 AC.



        Bhaskaracharya also known as Bhaskara the second was a famous mathematician of our ancient India. He was born in 1114 AC. He explained the solution of quadratic, cubic and indeterminate equations and many other mathematical concepts in the field of algebra, trigonometry, geometry, calculus were given by Bhaskaracharya. It is said that Bhaskaracharya discovered the concept of gravity long before Newton. His mathematical astronomy text  ' Siddhantika Shiromoni' was written into two parts. First part on mathematical astronomy and the second part on sphere. He died in the year 1179.


      Varahamihira was a great astronomer and mathematician of his time. The Indian tradition believes that he was one of the nine jewels of the court of legendary ruler Vikramaditya. He has his contribution on astrology, trigonometry, optics. He wrote books like Pancha Siddhantike' , 'Brihat Siddhantika' etc. He died in late 6th century.

  Nilakanta Somayaji:

       Nilakanta Somayaji also refers as Kelallur Comatiri was a mathematician and astronomer of 'Kerala School of  Astronomy And Mathematics' in India. He was born on 14th June 1444. He revised the  Aryabhata's model of planet Mercury and Venus. He had also composed an elaboration commentary on 'Aryabhatia' called the 'Aryabhatia Bhasya'. He is known for the authorship of 'Tantrasamagraha'. He died in the year 1544.


     We don't have much information about Boudhayana. But historians predict that he lived in 800 BC. He was a great mathematician. Very few people know that he gave us the Pythagorean Theorem long before Pythagorus. He also gave us the method of finding square root of 2. Another problem tackled by Boudhayana was finding a circle whose area is same of a square.


      Nagarjuna was an ancient metallurgist and alchemist. He was born in 10th century. His experiments were to turn any base element into gold. Even though he was not successful, but he succeeded making element that shines like gold. In his thesis 'Rasaratnakara' he discussed the methods to extract metals like gold copper etc.

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