picture of a robot


                         What is Robot?
A robot is a machine which is designed to do various works with speed and efficiency. A robot may or may not look like a human.

                          Use of Robots:
There are many types of robots and they are used for different works. Some robot types are given in the following-

photo of a industrial robot
Industrial Robot

1. Industrial Robot: These robots are used for industrial purposes like car production , packaging  etc.

photo of a space robot
Space Robot

2. Space Robot: These robots are used for space exploration.
Those are mostly used by space agencies like 'NASA' , 'ISRO'.

photo of a transportation robot
Transportation Robot

3. Transportation Robot:These types of robots are used to transport something from one place to another place. Some 
e-commerce companies ( like 'Amazon' ) are using these robots to deliver their products.

photo of a medical robot
Medical Robot

4. Medical Robot: Robots which are used for medical researches are called medical robots. Once this technology is totally developed, this robots will be able to perform medical surgeries.

photo of a military robot
Military Robot
5. Militar Robot: Military Robots are autonomous or remote controlled robots which are used by military to execute a Mission. This robots are not fully developed yet.
What is Robotics?
The brunch of engineering where we study about robots is called Robotics.

History of Robots:
In 1494 Leonardo da vinci made a robot which could move it's head and arms. It was the first robot in the history of mankind. Then in 1928 British built their first robot named 'Eric'. In the year 1937 a robot named 'Elektro' was built by 'Westinghouse Electric Corporation'. This robot could walk by voice command, speak about 700 words, smoke cigarettes,  move it's head and arms. First commercial, digital, programmable robot was made by George Devol in the year 1954. It was named 'Unimate'
photo of eric robot
Photo of Eric    
photo of elektro
Photo of Elektro
photo of unimate
Photo of Unimate
Robot in present days:
As time passes Robots become more complex. Now a days robots looks like human, they are called Humanoid Robot. They can walk, have conversation with human, play musical instruments, solve difficult calculations etc. With the help of programming  engineers are able to build highly efficient robots which can work very fast.
                                                                  Though robots are highly advanced now a days but they don't have any emotions.They can't make decision on their own.
humanoid robot
Sophia (A humanoid robot)
Advantages of Robot:
      1. They are very fast and efficient.
        2. Robots make our life more comfortable and easy.
        3. Robots can go to the places where human can't reach.
        4. They help us in research.
                              Disadvantages of Robots:
       1. Robots are emotionless.
       2. They can not think like human.
       3. They can not make their own decision.
       4. Now a days robots are widely used in industries. So,                     robots are taking over human jobs.              
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