water bottle

                                               Water And It's Properties

Water is an inorganic substance that is made of  Oxygen and Hydrogen which is linked by   covalent bonds with each-other. It is liquid in state. Pure Water is colourless and tasteless, 
formation of water molecule

sometimes we find little taste in water  that is because of the minerals present in it. If we cool it down to 0 degree celsius , it turns into ice and if we boil it to 100 degree celsius it becomes vapour.
                                                                                                        .         The chemical formula of water is H2O. It means one molecule of water consists 2 atoms of Hydrogen and 1 atom of  Oxygen. 
2/3 of our world is made of water. But 97% is ocean water which we can't drink. 3% water is drinkable. From that 3% water, 69% exists as ice in north pole and south pole, only 31% is drinkable water.
drinking water percentage

70% of our body is made of water. If we don't consume enough water in our body, our body will get dehydrated and that may cause of many problems in our body even death. We should consume atleast 6-7 liters of water everyday. We can't live more than 3 days without water.   
                                          Why water is liquid?

As we have discussed before water molecule is made of two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom. Due to high electronegativity of Oxygen  a weak 'Intermolecular Hydrogen Bond' is formed between Oxygen and Hydrogen atom. That's why billions of water molecules associate with each-other and water becomes liquid.

water formation

                                               Why ice floats on water?

Water is made of billions of H2O molecules associated with each-other. But ice is made of five H2O molecules connected to each-other by Hydrogen Bond. This formation makes an 'Open Cage Structure'. Because of this structure volume of the ice increases and density decreases. As the density of ice is less than water, ice floats on water.

 formation of ice

                      Exceptional Property of water:

Normally for any liquid' if we increase the temperature density decreases. But for water, if we increases the temperature from 0 to 4 degree celsius density also increases gradually, but after 4 degree celsius if we increase the temperature , density of the water normally decreases. Density of water is highest at 4 degree celsius. It is an unique property that only water shows.
                                       That is the reason why only the upper surface of a river turns into ice in winter.

                                                          Types of water:

Water can be divided into two parts- 1. Soft Water, 2. Hard Water.

Soft water: Water forms lathel with soap is called soft water. Soft water can be used as drinking water. 
Hard water: Water does not forms lathel with soap is called hard water. Hard water can not be used as drinking water. It is used for washing cloths, industrial purposes etc.

                                                            Use of water:
                            1. Water is used for cooking, bathing, drinking purposes.
                            2. It is used as an solvent in laboratory.
                            3. Water is used to cool down machines.
                            4. It helps us to glow our skin.
                            4. Not only human, plants also consumes water to grow.

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